Custom elements
-- This will be defined in the Elements class accessible by a Canvas
-- Or by ReGui.Elements:ElementName() but this method will not have theming
ReGui:DefineElement("ElementName", {
-- These are the base values for the Config
Base = {
RichText = true,
TextWrapped = true
--(OPTIONAL) This is the coloring infomation the theme system will use
ColorData = {
["ColorStyle Name"] = {
TextColor3 = "ErrorText",
FontFace = "TextFont",
--(OPTIONAL) These values will be set in the base theme
ThemeTags = {
["ThemeTag"] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 69, 69),
["CoolFont"] = Font.fromName("Ubuntu"),
--[[ This is the generation function for the element
self is the canvas class
Config is the configuration with overwrites to the Base config
Create = function(self, Config: Label)
-- This MUST either return:
-- GuiObject
-- Class, GuiObject
Basic TextLabel example:
ReGui:DefineElement("PurpleText", { --// Method name
Base = { --// Configuration base
IsBigText = true
Create = function(self, Config)
local IsBigText = Config.Config -- true
local Label ="TextLabel")
Label.TextSize = IsBigText and 30 or 14
--// Must return: Instance or Table, Instance
return Label
Using other elements as a base:
This is the code used for generating the ProgressBar element using the Slider element as a base
ReGui:DefineElement("ProgressBar", {
Base = {
Progress = true,
ReadOnly = true,
MinValue = 0,
MaxValue = 100,
Format = "% i%%"
Create = function(self, Config)
function Config:SetPercentage(Value: number)
return self:Slider(Config)
Last updated